Saturday, August 1, 2009

You're Gonna Do What? Sweet!

In a brilliant move, California's largest state employees union authorized union leaders to start a strike if certain contract demands and furlough protests aren't dealt with. That sound you hear from Sacramento is the Governator not giving a crap.

I'm not sure what the union strategy is but it occurred to me that many of its members probably came up through California Public Schools and are probably illiterate. So maybe they have an excuse for not catching up on the news of the economy.

First of all, what do they think they can get? They don't like furloughs? How about not having a job at all? California is so broke that its legislature makes Michigan's legislature look like a group of Milton Friedmans. How they expect a seriously bankrupt state to pay a bunch of people $32 an hour for $15 an hour work is beyond me. Go to the private sector and see if you can get paid that much for pushing a broom or being rude to people.

Secondly, don't these people know how expendable and/or replaceable they are? Unemployment is skyrocketing, especially in California. I doubt seriously that the State would have trouble finding people willing to cross your picket lines to get a job. In addition, I don't think these people realize how many of them perform useless jobs. Sure, we all need police & firemen bur do we need 48 levels of redundancy in the DMV or to get a building permit. All of you strikers need to seriously look at yourselves and make a hard choice about what you are really worth.

While you do that, just know that Governator is probably hoping you strike and for a good long time. Nothing fills the State treasury up more than not having to pay a bunch of ungrateful, egomaniacs complaining about having to take a few hours off during a state wide depression. Good luck selling that one to the public.

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