Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Of Moments, One Telling, One Wasted

Well, we have two more lessons from todays town hall meeings, one by Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas and one by Steve LaTourette of Ohio. The first one by Mrs. Lee is just a shockingly blatant show of disrespect and the second is a wasted opportunity Republicans can ill afford to waste, especially in Ohio.

Example #1 - Sheila Jackson Lee Democrat, Texas 18th Congressional District

God knows that Sheila Jackson Lee is one of the most self centered publicity whores ever to be in American politics. Wherever their is a camera or cause Jackson is sure to be. I don't think I've ever actually seen her in Houston before. Last time I saw her was when she was trying to attach herself to Michael Jackson somehow. A typical elitist liberal, she has often said and done stupid things that ought to offend her constituents to no end yet she still continues getting elected. This act though is particularly shameful. Lucky enough to have a peaceful town hall meeting, she showed what she thinks of the common man (woman in this case) by answering her cell phone in the middle of a question by a voter. Answered a phone call!! What a diva! Texas, you people are on alert. If she gets reelected again, you deserve to lose your Republic status and should be forced to give Houston back to the Mexicans. Disgraceful.

Example #2 - Steve LaTourette, Republican Ohio, 14th Congressional District

Now, I don't pretend to know much about Steve but he seems like a pretty ok conservative, probably a little moderate since he reps in eastern Ohio. I think he represents Cuyhoga County and some surrounding areas. Now, a little background. In the video, you see a fairly civil town hall meeting, questions being asked, answered etc. After the actual Town Hall it looks like Latourette is answering some press questions or something and a liberal blogger keeps asking him if it was so civil at the town hall because they already know there is no way LaTourette will ever vote for Healthcare reform. LaTourette gives a standard answer, essentially no, then the blogger says he will never vote for any reform to which the Congressman informs him that it is a "bullshit question."

The problem here is not that he shot down a leftist blogger. The question, was in fact bullshit. Reform can encompass all forms of things and for this blogger to assert that LaTourette would never vote for any reform is ridiculous. Clearly the blogger can only visualize socialized healthcare as reform and LaTourette reacted naturally, if crudely by admonishing him. The real problem is that it is an opportunity wasted. The question was a perfect set up to launch into the list of conservative ideas to reform health care. Tax credits, tort reform, tax breaks for doctors going to underserved areas. portability between states, etc. While it is more satisfying to tell this guy off, Republicans can't afford to let golden teaching moments go by. Hopefully next time, Mr. LaTourette will respond with a concise action plan that will put the libs back on their heels a bit and show we have solutions not just no's. Here is the tape to judge for yourself.

FUN FACT! The deficit grew by 180.7 billion in July! Just imagine if Obama gets all these kooky plans put into law. Shame the Devil.

1 comment:

  1. wow I had not seen the S. Jackson clip yet . Un-freaking believable , and as far as Stevie L. goes his statement barely even gets a reaction out of me these days . At least he didn't call her a Nazi or an evil-monger like some politicians we know .
