Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Is There Any End To This Pit?

Listening to the Big O's speech/campaign stop/shameless publicity stunt in New Hampshire today, I was unsure what was the most shameless thing I heard.

Was it Obama claiming he was never for single payer health care, when the whole world has heard different?

Was it the local Democratic Party members who were allowed to ask questions and bask in the glory of their leader?

Was it the lady who nearly fainted when Obama winked at her?

Or was it the audacity of planting a question with a 13 year old girl, who wondered aloud why people were "being so mean" when all Obama wanted to do was help people?

No all of those things are becoming typical for our ever campaigning President.

The worst part of all that is how low the office of President seems now. How can the leader of the free world conduct affairs this way? Where is the dignity? Say what you will about W. but at least he always took the questions from a media that despised him. Obama is so insecure and cold that he feels the need to control absolutely a media that is completely invested in him. While lying is an almost expected quality in politicians these days, the blatant lack of respect Barak shows his own constituents is especially galling. At least try and lie subtly, anybody who can use YouTube knows what a liar he is.

And poor New Hampshire, what happened to our beloved Granite State? It's hard to believe now but there was a time when N.H. was our quirkiest, freest thinking state. Primary elections went there to die mostly because the people were particularly sensitive to being B.S'd and they were equally hard on liberals and conservatives. You wouldn't have even staged such a display as was held today.

Oh well, I guess they couldn't resist the leftward drag of New England forever.

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