Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lies, Liars and Leftists

LIES: The City of Denver, Leftist Pundits Everywhere
Here we are in beautiful Colorado Springs and the calendar has finally turned to August and we can see the summer impact of our collective decision not to raise taxes during the recession. As near as I can tell, crime is still low, the parks are still green and water/electricity continues to flow uninterrupted. In fact our budget and crime rate are far better than our friends to the north in Denver, who pointed us out as an example of right wing populism run amok, condemning us to a future of overflowing trash, lawless society and dead foliage everywhere. No offense to friends and family in the Mile High State but all elected officials in the capitol city can suck it. We have weathered the recession so far at least as well and probably better than you have while letting our citizens keep their money instead of throwing it down the drain of the nanny state. This alone should keep Denver's mayor/would be Governor from being elected in November but apparently the fake Conservative/real delusional grandstander Tom Tancredo is determined to not let Hick's complete ideological failures keep him from being elected. Last poll I saw had Hick around 43% with McInnis, Maes and Hickenlooper splitting the rest. Gee if Hick can only get 43% it seems either Republican would still be strong in November, scandals and all. Thanks to Tom though, there is no shot. Hopefully he realizes his insanity and drops out. I doubt it though.

LIARS: The Founding Fathers
It seems the State of California no longer gets to vote on anything any more. In recent years, voters have attempted to control the State government by passing Propositions to solve the issues of gay marriage, illegal immigration, welfare programs, etc. just to see them all overturned by activist judges at the District court level and the politburo-esque Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The result? California is the most screwed up state in the country. Say what you want about Michigan but they have nothing to tap into to save their State, economy wise. California has agriculture, Hollywood and technology. They should be rolling in dough yet incompetent elected officials, dominated by leftists, and activist judges have thwarted any attempt by the suffering people to help their plight. Gay marriage is just the latest example of judicial tyranny. There is no right to limitless freedom of marriage in the Constitution. Separate but equal was referring to equality of State provided utilities, resources and legal standing. Marriage dos not deal with any of those things and is not an institution created by any government. It is a social institution that has existed since the beginning of time. The judiciary and the State don't get to overrule the people on this one.

LEFTISTS: Congress, White House spokesdouche Robert Gibbs
Let's see what Congress has been up to. Elena Kagen, who has exactly six more cases tried than I do, has been put on the Supreme Court, a 26 billion dollar State bailout is going to be passed, rumor has it that Obama is going to circumvent the legal process and order FANNIE MAE/FREDDIE MAC to simply forgive mortgage principle on mortgages that are underwater, the tax cuts will expire as planned raising taxes on everybody who pays them and Robert Gibbs calls Missouri's overwhelming rejection of ObamaCare at the polls (70%-30%) meaningless. So what exactly do average hard working Americans get out of this deal? Our mortgages cut? Nope. Better, cheaper healthcare? Nope. A voice in the process? Nope. Basic respect from elected officials? Nope. The bill for all this socialist redistribution of wealth? Absolutely. The only silver lining to all this is that it is being done so quickly only because leftists know the electoral apocalypse that will happen in November. The only question is how bad will it be by then and will Republicans have any tools left at their disposal to fix these problems? Considering the Social Security now officially pays out more than it collects, 6 years ahead of schedule, the prospects seem grim indeed. Republicans need to win big in the next three election cycles to have the time and caucus firepower to get things straightened out.

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