Monday, August 2, 2010

Jefferson Lives!

Lady Gaga weighed in on the Arizona law at a concert recently, vowing to hold all Arizonans and to screech louder. Or something like that, who the hell knows.

While I find it laudable that Gag's would take a break from finding new and innovative ways to hide her screaming lack of talent and homely appearance, her yammerings are more uninformed than most.

The attorney general of Virginia ruled today that the state's police officers should feel free to try and determine the immigration status of detained individuals and act accordingly. Combine that with Arizona and Rhode Island, who also has local police enforce immigration laws, and it seems the tide of state opinion is decidedly against the ambulance chasing US AG Holder.

Not that public opinion matters to Obama but if State keep employing the same laws, eventually the situation will come to a head. I certainly hope so. I enjoy watching a little chaos inflicted on big brother by all the little brothers. Besides, we can't have a society where Gaga is studying and pontificating on the finer points of the federalist system instead of shrink wrapping her head in condoms while wearing the Popes robes.

If we lose that, then the terrorists have already won.

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