Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Gee Thanks

GM announced today that they will go public soon, selling shares of their company to the public to help pay off the bailout money they received.

I wonder what kind of a gall it takes to sell someone a lie so publicly.

Last I heard, and saw on many commercials, was that GM had already paid back all the money, plus interest, ahead of schedule. We always knew that was complete BS but at least GM now admits it. That is hardly the most offensive aspect of the stock offering though.

The original bailout came from the taxpayers. Now, GM wants to sell stock to the same taxpayers in effort to pay off the original bill. "Congratulations! You now have the opportunity to finance your own swindling. In a related sale, can I interest you in an affordable grave? You have to dig it yourself but at least it's yours."

Essentially, the government extorted money from the people to bailout GM. Now, GM is going to swindle the people to give money back to the government, which will never give it back to the public. Final score, Taxpayers pay twice, GM gets paid twice, the Government collects money into eternity.

This is very reminiscent of the scene in Traffic where the couple in Mexico has their car stolen, then the police give them the number of the guy who has it so they can buy it back. The only difference is that in that deal the couple would get the car back if they paid. The American taxpayer just gets to keep paying and never gets the car back; unless they happen to be in the United Auto Workers Union.

Can I recommend a Ford to anyone who'll listen?

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