Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Majority of Losers

I was listening to the Mark Levin radio show recently and I was introduced to some creature called a David Frum and a group for conservatives called the New Majority. Curious as always, I looked into the group and its founder, Mr. Frum, about whom Levin had some unkind things to say but I was willing to give a shot.

Now, the name Frum rang some faint bells but it wasn't until I saw his photo on the website that I realized that he was one of the weasels that worked for W. for a few years then stabbed him in the back to get a book deal.

Understandably, this revelation tainted my initial view of him but rather than throw him under the bus for that, I read some of his "work."

That's when I realized friends, that the biggest problem in this country isn't leftists but rather people like Mr. Frum. One of the few ultimate truths in life is that a liberal will always act and think like a liberal. Their views of human nature are maddening and their logic is suspect but ultimately they are predicable in their committment to collectivist ideolog. You can't blame them anymore than you can blame dogs for barking or babies from crying. It's in their DNA.

People like Frum are worse because they pretend to be something they're not while stealthily trying to destroy the very thing they claim to be, in this case Conservative.

The list of people in this group is large, Frum, Lindsey Graham, Colin Powell, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, Tom Ridge, Arlen Spector pre flip and on and on. These people have no more right to define conservatism than I do to claim the British throne.

The main tactic of these Frumians is to redefine what conservatism is to fit their own weak minded belief structure. According to Frum, instead of opposing blatantly anti-constitutional programs or laws, we should just offer alternative, anti-constitutional laws that are slightly less socialist. Why? Because some people want it of course. What a principled stand! We should just write a new Constitution every 8 years or just throw it away completely.

The problem is Frum doesn't see the problem with defying the constitution and ridicules people who "get emotional" or "angry" in its defense. I would argue that aside from ideology, this position is the result of cowardice, as people like Mr. Frum simply can't be disliked and would rather bastardize the Constitution than make waves.

Frum even questions if government control is tyranny. He sites Medicare and Medicade, which is socialist medicine for the poor or elderly, and questions if those two programs are tyranny. Of course they are jackass! What part of tyranny don't you get? An entire demographic that desperatly relies on health care for continued life is completely at the mercy of government whim. Their very voting rights are dictated by these programs. These people cannot participate in the franchise fully becuase they are dependant on government help for life, participating in any policy debate besides this would be a fruitless waste of time since their votes are essentially already cast for them. That is tyranny. It may be soft tyranny but tyranny nonetheless.

All you Frumians should really start your own party. You can call it the Moderates or the Progressive Conservatives. Your mascot should be something in line with your personal strength and power. I suggest a penguin or maybe a field mouse. Go preach your message of anti-intellelctual neoliberal conservatism and let the voters show you how irrelevant you are.

"Now get the hell out of here, you jerks!"

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