Tuesday, July 7, 2009

2010 United States Senate - FL

Given that it is another slow sports day, we'll keep looking into the 2010 elections by examining the Republican primary in Florida.

This primary is a good example of whether or not the party can look ahead to the future or will continue to be stuck in the past.

The two candidates are Governor Charlie Crist and State Representative Marco Rubio.

Crist is the typical McCain-esque Republican. Always interested in compromise, not especially principled when it comes to conservatism. He belongs in the Lindsey Graham, McCain, Tom Ridge, Colin Powell, RINO wing of the party. The Cuban-American Rubio, on the other hand was a consistent conservative during his time as Florida House Speaker, championing free market principles and low taxes to encourage expansion.

The Republican party desperately needs some new faces and people who are actually committed to conservative ideals. Rubio could fill both roles, educating the public about conservatism as he has done his whole career while simultaneously showing that the party isn't just for old white guys like Crist.

Also, Crist supported the Obama stimulus abomination, in case you needed any other reason to look somewhere else.

Rubio unfortunately lacks the party support and name recognition that Crist has, so it's a long shot but not impossible. Give him a look.


100 Innovative Ideas for Florida's Future


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