Monday, July 6, 2009

2010 United States Senate - AK

Since Alaska governor Sarah Palin announced her resignation, the media has been actively engaged in its usual cycle of cynical judgmentalism and insane speculation.

Most of the cynical judgments being cast about are that Palin ins somehow weak and stupid for quitting her job now. The inference being that she couldn't handle the pressure and collapsed and destroyed her political career.

The speculation runs a wide range of topics from her starting her 2012 campaign now to her being completely out of politics. As usual these speculations are based on nearly nothing. The one thing that should be easy to ascertain is that she isn't retiring. Her statement clearly states a political future of some kind. Andrea Mitchell may just have to go back and do some fact checking before breaking another story.

While her future may lie in a presidential run or some sort of fundraising/PAC capacity, I hope that she splits the difference and turns her eye to the United States Senate.

A Presidential run may be too difficult at this point to be considered viable. The media has an unreasonable hatred for her as do all Democrats and many elitest Republicans. That can be difficult to overcome. In Alaska though, shes still popular and should be able to generate some favorable press, locally if not nationally.

The timing of her resignation fits as well. Lisa Murkowski is up for reelection in 2010 and if Palin wanted to challenge her, now is the time to start.

Murkowski is the type of Senator that Palin would love to take out from an ideological standpoint as well. Murkowski isn't quite as far to the left as Snowe, Collins and the late Spector but she is close. This would be a good opportunity to clean up a little dead wood from the party while it's in a downward trend. Palin is used to this fight, she eliminated Murkowski's father in the race for governor.

While not the Presidency, a spot in the Senate still carries quite a bit of power with it. You have immediate access to the media, lobbyists, etc. No more draining flights from Alaska. In addition, Palin would be far more famous and influential than a typical newcomer given her name recognition and the weakness of the current Republican crop. She would be short on seniority but tall on influence.

Congressional experience would also put her in a prime spot for future Presidential elections or on the short list for high level Presidential appointments (State, Defense, etc.). This whole saga could turn out to be a win-win for everyone.

Oops, I mean everyone but Lisa Murkowski.


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