Tuesday, June 30, 2009

We Love Queers!* . . . . . .(*in election years)

In the past few weeks there has been a measure of discontent within the gay community. It seems that are disillusion with the lack of progress being made advancing gay causes.

Issues that Obama promised to deal with while on the campaign trail (wink wink).

Congratulations gays! You've finally attained the level of equality that you've been striving towards for years.

Confused? Lets recap the steps Obama has taken in advancing the gay agenda:

1. Had anti-gay marriage pastor Rick Warren deliver commencement. Ouch!
2. Supported the Defense of Marriage Act in court against a pro-gay rights litigant. Zing!
3. Only extended minimal benefits to same sex partners at the federal level. Pow!
4. Don't ask, don't tell? Don't ask. Yikes!

Not a sterling record so far, so how can gays now consider themselves equal with straights? Easy, now you are completely vested in the "We Were Lied To By Politicians During A campaign" club. Congratulations, get your 3 dollar bills on the way out and try not to step in the bullshit. Actually, this is progress to some small degree, you are officially a loud enough demographic to be pandered to, right up there with ethnic minorities, environmentalists and any union. Sucks to be noticed sometimes.

But why subject yourself to second class status within the democratic party? Clearly they don't care if you can get married or serve in the army and lets face it, do you think you'll ever have as big a say in that party as African-Americans, Mexicans, Big Labor, Big Education, Big Environment, etc.? No way, you're way back in the pack friends. So let me give you a creative bit of advice:

Vote Republican.

Now, you're not getting married in that party either so that's a wash but consider the other benefits. First, since you gays don't typically have many kids, you have more disposable income which means you use less publicly provided services. An economic plan based around low taxes, higher growth and a strong dollar benefits you most of all! Secondly, you'd be the star of the Republican party. The Democrats have a thousand little interest groups and minority factions. Republicans don't have many different factions, evangelicals, business and white people mostly. You'd be the one and only true minority group they'd have. Besides, the Log Cabin Republicans could use the company.

C'mon, all you get from Dems is a bunch of false hope and double faced lies, all Republicans are asking is for you to stand up for small government and low taxes. Free to be you and me right? Right.

Well, you chew on that for a while and we'll book some parade routes in case your down with the idea.

Sometime in 2010 sound good?


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