Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Big Win, So I'm Told

As I turned on my TV this afternoon, with dreams of a SportsCenter rerun in mind, imagine my surprise when there appeared to be a sports like live event on my screen.
Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be something called the Confederation Cup. Soccer.
Surprise and disappointment.
A good 90% of the time I couldn't care less about soccer. It seems to me to be a sport with rules designed to slow it down and turn it into an exhibition of passing skills and throw ins. Combine that with more fake violence and bad acting than a typical telenovela and that equals some less than compelling viewing. Why can't countries with cool sports like Australian football, rugby or Gaelic football try and cram those sports down our throats the way the world tries to foist soccer upon us?
Ah but this is the 10% of the time it's appropriate for an American to care about soccer.
When it's time to shame another country, especially in Europe.
Soccer and socialist healthcare are the two things that Europeans consistently enjoy berating us about. Now, the healthcare thing is a joke and they only defend it to get under our skin but the soccer, oh boy is that different.
They live and die by the sport and if the lose to Americans it's a national scandal.
So go ahead and enjoy whatever this Cup is and enjoy the World Cup next year. It's easy, if we lose, we were supposed to and if we win any matches, listen for the anguished outrage.
It's the one thing that can make soccer interesting.


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