Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Real Tragedy

By now, all Internet savvy folks have heard about the disgraceful ACORN videos where employees are shown trying to help a whore and her pimp commit tax fraud/election fraud/mortgage fraud/human trafficking/backdoor political dealings/etc. as they try and buy a home, use it to run a whore house staffed by under age illegal immigrants.
(if you haven't seen the videos, go to BigGovernment.com)

This scandal has now spread to four cities thanks to the recent efforts of San Bernadino, CA. Apparently, the good ACORN employees weren't content to simply be as corrupt as the good ACORN'ettes in DC, Brooklyn & Baltimore. No, no. They took it to a whole new level by claiming that they regularly meet with Senators, Congressman, Assemblymen, etc. regularly. One thing they claimed to meet on was socialized medicine. This is a problem since ACORN claims to be a non-partisan, community outreach group that currently enjoys tax exempt status. Being outed as a far left organization working exclusively for liberal Democrats, including Lib-in-Chief Obama, could get them into a a real bind.

But who cares about ACORN or its employees. I hope these fraudulent philanthropist, fifth column operative scumbags end up renting and lose their health insurance. It would be a fitting end for a motley crew.

The real victims of these disgusting revelations?

The good people of El Salvador.

They were just sitting there, minding their own business, doing whatever you do in El Salvador and suddenly, Glen Beck, FOX News and all conservative blogs are dong stories on boatloads of 13 year old El Salvadorian prostitutes being used to staff taxpayer subsidized whore houses.

El Salvador is like most of the rest of South America; it doesn't get much press unless somebody finds oil, cocaine or there is a communist revolution going on. I'm sure the El Salvadorian Chamber of Commerce would prefer any of those things as opposed to being linked to this nonsense.

Being the benevolent world observer, schooled in both politics and media, that I am; I have a few suggestions to help poor El Salvador shake this horrible association and reinvigorate tourism. Turning a positive into a negative.

"El Salvador - Our Whores Are Long in the Tooth and We're Damned Proud."
"Roman Polanski and John Mark Carr agree, El Salvador is no Philippines."
"All the Spanish, None of the Mexican!"
"Pimping Belize Since 1896"
"El Salvador - Rejecting Horchata Like Jesus Intended"
"El Salvador - Now With Tons of Blow!"*

There you go friends, enjoy the flood of tourism and all the wealth that goes with it. Just keep an eye on those kiddies allrighty? Nobody likes to have egg on their face.

* Worst case scenario. Includes a war with the Colombians & Mexicans.

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