Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pillars of American Leftists

During the short tenure of this new President I have come to one conclusion that shocks even me.

I am starting to really like full blown, out in the open Communists.

This sounds strange but Marx's army are far less frustrating then your average liberal Statist. At least the Commie has an well thought out manifesto and plan of action, wrong as it is. You can debate and argue with these people because you can argue idea for idea, point by point with some hope of resolution.

Liberals in the United States have no such coherent system of beliefs. They are all over the board, contradicting themselves whenever the need arises. Can their ideology even be measured or classified? We're going to try!

Pillar One: Identity. Identity plays more a role in liberal politics than anything else. Rather than seeing the United States as a county, they see a collection of people defined into various groups of victims and victimizers. They see themselves as champions of the victims. The liberal also believes that people that fall into the victim class cannot help themselves in life. This belief is used to justify the ever intrusive actions of the government and by extension themselves.

SUB Pillar A: Circular Bigotry. Leftists have carved out an amazing niche of racism against everybody. White people (except for enlightened liberals) are by their very nature afraid of and biased against all people of color. All decisions by non liberal whites are viewed from this paradigm and are therefore subject to suspicious interpretation. Minorities are also viewed through the lens of racism. They are seen by the liberal eye as being incapable of fending for themselves in this world. They can only survive with the help of the government when run by enlightened, white liberals. It is a condescending form of racism, viewing entire groups of people as incompetent and helpless. Whenever a minority rises to prominence without liberal help, they are savagely attacked as being Uncle Toms or sellouts of some kind. See Thomas, Clarence. Sowell, Thomas or Estrada, Miguel.

Pillar Two: Class. American leftists have a deep rooted seething hatred of rich people. This is a flagrant contradiction since the liberal ranks hold some of the worlds wealthiest people, a fact often forgot by leftists when raging against big business. This hypocritical belief allows liberal to simultaneously reap the rewards of rich donors while also allowing them to stoke class warfare against other rich people. This is done to solidify a power base. Liberals benefit from class warfare by convincing the larger group of people (not rich) that they are the helpless victims of the smaller group (rich) and that government is the force to relieve them from their imaginary oppression. The American Dream of hard work to create wealth and achievement is considered a myth by liberals created by the rich to keep people from revolting.

Pillar Three: Intention Based Assessment. Liberals, deep in their hearts, know that the policies they advocate are destructive an ineffective. This is why they refuse to argue the merits of them based on actual results. This would destroy them. Rather, they calculate the worth of a policy based on the intended consequence not the actual outcome. This is how glorious failures like the New Deal, Great Society, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, etc. are all justified and defended. No matter that they have been gross failures, they were intended to help millions of people, therefore they are good. This is also how people like Jimmy Carter stay relevent in liberal circles while JFK's massive supply side tax cut is never mentioned.

Pillar Four: Special Interests. Liberals shrewdly have avoided the label of being in the pocket of special interests while also being completely in the tank for special interests. They do this by re-labeling their special interests as being "of the people". Such as? Big Labor-Labor Unions are supposedly the representative of the working man and liberals say so endlessly. In reality, organized labor makes up less than 20% of the workforce and the Unions themselves act solely as political wings of the Democratic Party. The entire auto bailout was a gift to unions for continued support. Big Education-Teachers Unions and the Department of Education claim to only be interested in providing the best education possible. This is a lie. Both groups are dedicated to obtaining lifetime jobs and pay for their members while creating a monopoly for the public school system. They are viciously against any reforms giving the average person more choices that result in less money for them. Big Media-Despite constant crying about how the media is unfair to liberals, in reality all but talk radio and FOX News are completely in their pocket. They would further eliminate dissent through FCC regulation. Big Environment-The Green movement is a special interest movement worth billions of dollars masquerading as a common good causes. Many green groups even enjoy tax exempt status while flagrantly supporting one political ideology. The green movement is the home of both government funded pseudoscience and displaced Marxists. Big Government-Leftists claim that the government is "our government" and is "for the people". Theoretically true, it says so in our founding documents. But when the government is used as a tool to implement an unconstitutional limitation of basic freedoms, it becomes the largest special interest group in the country and the one liberals are most in the pocket for. The one thing all these liberal special interest groups have in common is that they aim to deprive the average person of freedoms and liberties of choice. They want to force you into their prescribed path.

Pillar Five: Elitism. Liberals think they are better than non-liberals and it can't be argued. They think the general population is too ignorant and misguided to live life for themselves, that's why government must have heavy regulations to keep people in line. That's how a liberal justifies to themselves the incessant tampering in the lives of others, it's for their own good.

SUB Pillar B: Emotion. This permeates all other pillars of liberal belief. That is why debate is so difficult with the Left. When cornered with one hypocritical or contradictory fact, they go to emotion. They will bring up children, the poor, women, racism, bigotry, etc. all in an attempt to create a straw man argument to debate rather than actual issue. This is why there is never any resolution to liberal arguments.

SUB Pillar C: Projectionism. Many of the more unpleasant traits of liberalism, such as racism, classicism or general bigotry, can be seen in the way liberals attack conservatives. They have these traits so close in their own hearts that they assume all others do too. They then label others with them at the drop of a hat. This is useful in trying to determine what liberal are actually thinking.

CONCLUSION: This massive contradiction of thought and belief can make if very hard to deal with these people. All of these factors come and go as needed by the liberal to further their pet cause de jour. What can be gleaned from this? First, liberalism must simply be defeated because it can't be reasoned with. Second, liberalism is an attack on the individual based on fear. Liberal can't handle the responsibility of living in an individual world where they alone would deal with the potential negative consequences of their decisions. That's why they try and group people together into a collectivists commune. Nobody alone can be blamed for a bad decision or suffer it's consequences. It's a cowardly way to hedge your bets against failure. The more people that are involved, the more wide spread the blame, that's why they need to force you into it too.

I'll try and delve further into the liberal mind as inspiration strikes. This is as good a start as any, I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. WOW !! That was truly awesome my friend . Anyone with a truly open mind would read this article and all of the sudden see some of their more exiteable " friends " in a new light . The sad part is that we all encounter people every day who are so conditioned to this way of thinking that they don't even realize they have become radicals .
