Monday, April 18, 2011

Here You Go Lefty

It's about time to raise taxes.

That's right I said it. I'm fully in favor of raising taxes on the 50% of this country that have become goldbrickin freeloaders under our current policy.

In the interest of full disclosure, I'm pretty sure that with all the tax credits and deductions I get, I'm in that percentage of people who either pay no federal income tax or actually profit from it.

Truly absurd. How can a representative republic function when half the people feel no repercussions of the financial decisions of the country? They must think free market capitalism is the greatest thing since the Communist Manifesto. They pay taxes all year, then get a bigger check back at the end of the year. Just like Adam Smith drew it up.

The tragic part of our tax system is how easy it would be to fix. You could make it real easy and just impose a flat tax or some kind of national sales tax in place of the income tax but that doesn't seem politically feasible at this point. Even if we're tied to the idea of the progressive tax code, it's still easy to fix.

The only parameters that should be followed are that nobody gets screwed, everybody participates. Here's how I would set the brackets:

$1 - $25,000 = 5%
$25,001-$100,000 = 7%
$100,001 - $$700,000 = 14%
$700,001 - $infinity = 19%

See how easy that is? Nobody gets out of the teens in what gets taken from them, no deductions, exemptions, double taxation. You make money, you pay a small percent. No need for a massive IRS or tax preparers.

And what of business taxes you say? Here's the breakdown for that tax:
$1 - $infinity = 2%

Let's see how many people open factories in China when they get to keep the vast bulk of their money by keeping the business here.

This would probably be a policy that would have been in place already if liberals weren't so hell bent on punishing success so they can bride constituents with free rides. The only consolation at this point is that our current system where 50% of the people do nothing is economically unsustainable and heading for a collapse. it's unfortunate that we're going to take the world's economy down with us but if it allows us all to hit the reset button and set up a reasonable system maybe it'll be for the best.

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