Monday, July 5, 2010

Mark It Down

It's July 5th, 2010 and I've officially heard the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my entire life.

Charles Bolden, the current head of NASA, gave an interview with FOXNEWS where he claimed that his foremost mission was to "improve relations with the Muslim world."

That's right, the National Aeronautic and Space Administration has shifted its gaze away from the heavens above and has been ordered to try and forge new relations with the Muslim world.


Why should NASA be interested in improving relations with anybody outside the realm of science? It seems that this is the type of thing that is supposed to be handled by the State Department or United Nations delegations. It's another bad political decision by Obama. At least when NASA was directed to investigate non-existent global warming data, it was in the realm of scientific venture. In the ball park of NASA's purpose anyway.

This mission is just idiotic.

Most of the Muslim world has contributed nothing to the exploration and understanding of space. Hell, a large chunk of the Muslim world wants nothing to do with the betterment of this world, let alone the universe. What possible benefit could there be in trying to get Muslims involved with NASA? The only possible benefit is Saudi Arabia, with its deep pockets that could possibly get the United States back into the space business without being a political nightmare for budget conscious bureaucrats. What other part of the Muslim world could we be talking about? Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon? Please. All the countries in the Muslim world are either dirt poor, corrupt or trying to institute some kind of Sharia Law. Not exactly a fertile breeding ground for the free exchange of ideas in the quest for scientific discovery. A perfect way to waste manpower and money though.

I truly feel sorry for the rank and file scientists at NASA. Once tasked by President Kennedy to get to the moon before the Soviets, they are being tasked to somehow exploring the galaxy side by side with people who aren't sure if women need to read. Or vote. Or move freely without being stoned. I have no doubt which mission will prove more difficult.

1 comment:

  1. i saw that article , and quite frankly it made my bowels cringe. It's just one more step to make the United States seem incompetent on the world stage. Thanks a bunch Obama.
