Monday, May 10, 2010

Is That You Faust? Shall We Dance Again?

My never ending fascination/consternation with Glenn Beck and his program continues.

I tuned in today for reasons known only to the Almighty hand of providence and my deep subconscious. Right off the bat I was treated to a caller who opened what I assume would have been a question with an earnest praise of Beck and how after looking into Beck's eyes, in person, the caller knew he was a sincere man. A good man.

Then I heard my forehead hit the steering wheel, then everything went black until I woke up in the parking lot of a Fudruckers. I wish I had stayed in the sweet relief of unconsciousness. It seems every time I hear something about Beck it's by some sycophantic follower talking about how sincere and earnest Beck is, thereby giving credibility to the deep thoughts supposedly portrayed on his show.

Now, sincere eyes can often time be the mark of a good honest man but it ignores the simple truth. Sincerity and earnestness are not only the domain of the good but also of liars, fools and the insane. We know this is true because the Kennedys and Clintons have been scourging the political system for years. Obama went from an absolute nothing Chicago city councilman to President in a cocaine heartbeat because of the ability to be earnest and sincere. Any good Hollywood/sporting world sex scandal involves numerous, earnest apologies and statements.

Unfortunately, the ability to speak slowly, look people in the eye and speak with a deep baritone voice is not the mark of an honest man. These things, like many of the things on the radio in the afternoon, are completely meaningless. It's the first thing liars try and perfect before they give you the hard sell. I can only assume people use these crutches to judge character because actually judging the substance of a persons actions is time consuming and involves a measure of intellectual honesty that gets in the way of a good story.

How much better off would the world be if people had the ability to ignore the heartfelt lies and only see the substance (or lack thereof) in a person. I personally would be happy if I could simply turn the dial without being accosted by the delusional ass kissery of the Sycophant Nation. Where's a good Lady Gaga/Ke$ha double play when you need it?

1 comment:

  1. Frankly, I am offended if you speak slowly to me. I look deep into the eyes of my dog, and speak slowly with my deep man voice when I am trying to train her to "sit." If the later is true for me, what is Obama trying to train me to do?
