Romney 47 Obama 45
Paul 45 Obama 46
Gingrich 41 Obama 49
Huntsman 41 Obama 48
Perry 42 Obama 49
Santorum 43 Obama 47
Seriously? Not over 50 percent against any of them? Bad news considering the field.
Romney is a guy whose own party doesn't really want to be president, he's winning by default. Paul is a certifiable, tin hat wearing, quasi-racist lunatic. Gingrich seems shocked that negative ads have been used and has now decided to scorch the earth in an attempt to beat Romney. Huntsman is a little weasel who plotted to overthrow the very man who gave him a job while he was still on said job. Perry may be one of the worst campaigners in modern history and Santorum is Romney-esque big government, northeast Republican with more whine and snark.
The idea that Americans seem willing to turn over the country to one of these guys shows just how far he has fallen in the eyes of the American public. Maybe if he spent more time governing and less time trying to hide the extravagantly lame life he and his nutty wife live he wouldn't be in a position to a guy who is a 9/11 truther for crying out loud.
And just imagine how far ahead a good Republican candidate would be.
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