Monday, March 7, 2011

Still Satisfying

It feels nice whenever President Obama is forced to expose himself as the weak hypocrite that he is. It'd be nicer if I thought the man had enough conscious to blink twice about it but I'll take what I can get.

The Audacious One announced today that military trials will start up again at the Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

That's right, the one Obama pledged would be shut down within his first one hundred days. The very first executive order he signed when he took office.

Not willing to let the issue pass without comment, Obama told the press how "strongly opposed" to the military trials he was. If I were a liberal, I would find this line of thinking infuriating. Shutting down Gitmo was one of the things the President had total control over. He could close it down, move the prisoners and have civil trials whenever he wants. How do his supporters reconcile this? He can't blame Congress, they can't stop him, besides, he had his own own Congress for two years and did nothing.

This situation really just shows two things. The first is just how over his head Obama is. The idea that you could close Gitmo and just have the trials somewhere in Illinois farm country is ridiculous. Only a fool drunk on himself would think that was a feasible plan. The second thing it shows is what a shameless political opportunist he is. His number one photo op when he took office is just a throw away the next day. If all the anti-war nuts are feeling depressed, they can go cry on the shoulders of all the gays that Obama strung along, promising marriage and ending Don't Ask, Don't Tell. They got the shaft until Bama needed himself a boost in the polls, then he came out against DADT. Pathetic.

The real winner in all of this is the United States. These animals should be tried in Cuba. Keeping them there, being interrogated by the Army/CIA, is the absolute best way to deal with these people. Hopefully, some of these guys will be found guilty and sent to a deep dark hole. Literally, in some cases. Either way, American wins and Obama is again exposed as a fraud. Happy Days!

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