On the docket this time is a fight over 3.2% beer. Convenience stores and grocerys are complaining that some new regulation will allow restaurants and liquor stores to sell 3.2% as well, in violation of state law.
Apparently some groups think our new microbrewing Governor is tweaking the rules behind the legislatures back, some don't. The bottom line is "who cares?" This is a problem that is purely the creation of government.
The only reason there is this division is because some other government stooge decided some stores couldn't sell booze. So those stores, rather than loose that money, came up with "weak booze" and sold that and the state said cool. Very soon after that, both groups had lobbyists trying to protect their market shares. How anyone can feel dignified screaming to the hills for the right to sell 3.2% I'll never know but that's what they do.
Now all these new politicians are looking for political ways to solve a political problem. Did anyone think of just removing government? Let any store with a liquor license sell whatever they want. The first thing that would happen is that 3.2% would disappear. Nobody actually likes that crap, people only sell it when they have too. Once that was removed, you'd see genuine competition. Liquor stores would have certain advantages, as would grocery stores and 7-11s. They all serve different people with different needs. You might not see any more liquor stores being built right next to Safeways anymore but other than that, nothing much would change. People who want some brew or wine with dinner could get it at the grocery store, people like me who just want a good selection of booze and no waiting behind soccer moms getting the milk can still go to the liquor stores while high school kids can still pay drifters to go into the 7-11s for a twelve pack of Natty Light. We all win.
Except for government stooges. If everyone can get what they want and compete on the market, I guess lobbyists don't need to kiss your rings anymore. I'll drink to that.
Colorado Springs finest! - (will trade ad space for beer.)
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