Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ring the Bell!

Man, establishment Republicans are getting seriously housed this year and I couldn't be happier.

The primary season has mercifully reached its last day and New England, of all places, seems caught up in the Conservative tide. In Delaware, long time RINO Mike Castle's attack filled campaign against super unknown Christine O'Donnell flamed out big time and he lost 53-46. A 7 point loss in a race Castle was once leading by about 40. Amazing. In New York, what conservatives there are stood up and booted out the well intentioned/probably outmatched Rick Lazio in favor of tea party candidate Carl Paladino. Finally, in NH, long time front runner Kelly Ayotte is tied with unknown Tea Partier Ovid Lamontagne at 38% with about half the vote counted. God only knows why it's taking so long to count the NH votes, the closed the polls at 7 for crying out loud. (Ovid LaMontagne wins the Best Name in a Primary Award hands down. sounds so New Englany that Sean Penn and Clint Eastwood are writing a shitty movie about it as we speak. c'mon, you know Mystic River is way overrated.)

The best part of this is the predictable reaction from the liberal media. Politico has headlined tonight a "Republican Nightmare". I guess because the party is actually electing conservatives to run. This is all just a projection of fear. Media members know full well that even in New England, these conservatives have an even money shot to win the general election. If that wasn't wasn't the case then why would the media care who the Republicans nominated? They should be happy that these blue states are running conservatives so they could be crushed, dampening the entire Tea Party movement.

But no, the media seems intent on trying to scare Republicans into nominating Mike Castle, Sue Lowden, Jane Norton types. They are trying to hedge their bets against the liberal apocalypse in November by getting as many Lindsey Grahams and Lincoln Chaffee's into office under the radar. I don't blame them, these kind of RINO's are so spineless they could be cowed into voting like the liberals they are even in the face of overwhelming opposition. Those two kooks from Maine have been doing it in the Senate for years. Aside from the bad voting records, these "moderate Republicans" ruin the brand for real Republicans.

Shrewd move mainstream media, you almost had us. Just like you almost had us in Nevada, Wyoming, Colorado, Florida, . . . . . . . .

See you in November!

1 comment:

  1. the best part about all this ...is that it seems like the tried and true tactic of attack and smear campainging is actually not working for a change. One can only hope that this trend will continue into November when the Big Warchest Libs bring out the big guns.

    I'm looking right at you Harry Reid.
