Friday, September 17, 2010

Roll the Chamber Nick, I'm Out

There was a time when I assumed that the NRA was an organization that stood up for the Second Amendment rights of all Americans, members or not, and that in addition to the Second Amendment they were committed to individual liberties across the board as a matter of principle.

Now I know better.

The NRA has sealed the deal here in Colorado by following up their endorsement of Pelosi clone John Salazar in CO-3 by endorsing Pelosi clone/intellectual lightweight Betsy Markey in CO-4. By endorsing these two big-government socialist democrats, the NRA has made plain for all to see that they don't really care about individual rights at all, they only care about getting favorable gun legislation by paying off members of Congress. You could even argue that they don't really care about the Second Amendment either as some of the deals they have tried to cut in the past would make exemptions to tyrannical laws only for their paying members, leaving all gun owning non-NRA members under the thumb of oppressive government. In this regard, by trading actual principles for political favor, the NRA is no longer any different than Big Labor, Big Education, the ACLU, the NAACP, ACORN or any number of other liberal groups who try and buy political exemptions from the tyranny they help put into power.

There was once a time that I considered joining the NRA even (though I hunt my game at Safeway) but now such a thing sounds offensive to my ears and I would encourage everyone who does give the NRA money, to stop doing so unless they reverse this self destructive course of political hackery that started with them floating the idea of endorsing Harry Reid. Apparently they think once the Harry Reid's of the world are done telling you what kind of medicine you'll get, what you can eat and how warm your house can be that they'll just leave gun owners alone. It must be nice to live in a world of make believe. For the rest of us in the real world, it's very sad to see that once the new NRA leadership took the rifle from Heston's cold dead hand, they took it to the most famous whorehouse in the country and traded it away for the oldest trick ever turned; the fleeting promise of elite status and protection.

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