Monday, February 22, 2010

Krugman Must Be Exxxstatic

President Barack Obama released his healthcare "framework" today and what a spectacle it is.

The first question I would ask is "Why bother?" I'm not sure what good it does El Presidente to put this non-binding suggestion to Congress days before the dog and pony show with Republicans over healthcare. All this does is show to everyone that that meeting is a farce and that he doesn't have any intention of letting Republican ideas anywhere near the bill. Combine that with the stated plan to use reconciliation to pass it, Obama, Reid & Pelosi are once again making all their reps in moderate districts fall on the sword for bad legislation. While spitting on the American people all at the same time.

The second question is "You're Joking Right?" This non-bill the President released is an absolute legislative abortion. There is a reason why we have professional legislators and separate executives and this is it. The bill is all the worst aspects of both the House and Senate bills, nearly a trillion dollars in cost, contradictory to itself and probably too poisonous for the reconciliation process if not not flat out prohibited by the rules of the Senate. The most shocking thing? The Congressional Budget Office won't even score this atrocity. Those group of math wizards would score rat piss on a cocktail napkin if a big time liberal asked them too. That's how Ted Kennedy submitted his proposed legislation, fyi.

For being the smartest politician since Plato, Obama sure does many a dumb thing and this is another one in a long list. That list still has "Hiring Robert Gibbs" right at the top for those of you keeping track at home.

I'm not even sure Obama is a skilled Community Agitator (organizer). I've read Alinsky and while Obama seems to have the "keep everyone on edge" thing mastered, he doesn't seem able to move from that to "make change happen". In fact, Obama seems to agitate people to the point of making them defy him just out of principle instead of caving to him so he'll leave them alone.

Man, those November elections just can't get here fast enough.

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