What started out as a compelling race quickly turned into a laugher but once again has changed direction is now become a real head scratcher/conundrum for Republicans.
I'm talking about the Colorado Governors race, of course.
A new poll came out this week with a stunning surge/collapse showing the Gov. nobody wants (Hickenlooper) pulling in only 44% while American Constitution Party carpetbagger Tom Tancredo pulling in a whopping 34% leaving disgraced Dan Maes pulling in a pathetic 15% for the GOP.
When both Maes and Tanc were long shots, it was easy to just write the race off but now conservatives are faced with the proposition of dumping a bad Maes for an infuriating Tancredo. Pragmatically, Tancredo shouldn't be rewarded for his blatant attempt to torpedo the GOP candidate. With the rest of the country getting ready to enjoy a conservative wave in November however, Colorado has to make a tough choice between the lib, the bad and the ugly.
As hard as it is to do, the only responsible thing to do is to back Tancredo. Colorado can't afford to be one of the few states getting an absolute kook liberal infusion while the rest of the country gets a recovery. Many arguments can be made about Tancredo but at least he's a conservative. A major asshole maybe but a conservative one.
The odds of Maes dropping out of this thing seem almost nil at this point but the GOP Gov. Ass'n needs to put some cash into this thing for Tanc, call donors and get them to ask Maes for their money back and send him out to pasture. I haven't seen many polls where Hickenlooper pols more than the low to mid 40's despite huge name recognition in Denver and the delirious backing of some establishment Republican businessmen. That tells me that the people are just dying for a Hick alternative. Many have already joined Tank but we need to push the last 15% that Maes is holding into Tanc's corner as well. It'd be hard to believe that any of his supporters would bail on Maes and head to Hick.
This is a sad tale of a perpetually dysfunctional CO GOP but it could have a happy ending. Colorado may have gotten the ugly date to the prom but it's better to jump on that grenade for the good of the squad rather than man that foxhole alone. Best to just bite the bullet and do it.
Go Tanc.
***The title of this post is an homage to the late Patches O'Houlihan who had an uncanny knack for describing both untrained dodgeball players as well as the CO GOP in one quick quote.***
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Have Style, Will Travel
At the rate things are going, the flood of Mexicans coming across the border won't be called illegal aliens, they'll be called refugees.
Over the weekend the mayor of the west Mexico town of Tancitaro was found dead in the bed of a flat bed pickup, stoned to death. There apparently wasn't any immediate connection to the drug violence that has been destroying that country for more than a decade. No other theories have been presented.
I, for one, hope like hell it was drug related. Otherwise, Mexicans from other walks of life have decided that the legal process is so flawed that they need to resort to barbaric forms of capital punishment to settle whatever issues they have. That's truly frightening considering the free reign these people have getting into the United States.
Meanwhile, the United States continues to do nothing while our friendly neighbors to the South have decided to combine the worst parts of Afghanistan/Pakistan (violent drug trade) with the worst parts of Iran/Saudi Arabia (stoning) just to see how it plays out. If that combo somehow doesn't produce a utopia, the next step will be to pirate the Russian/Filipino sex trade market and start kidnapping kids into a life of prostitution. Although that may actually already be happening in some parts.
Of all the things in the world that actually need some kind of governmental response, a border country turning into a complete anarchic state should be at the top of the list. Apparently, our government has decided that they would rather harass us themselves before everything goes to hell completely.
At this pace though, Mexico is going to turn into a Somalia-esque calamity of warlords and genocide. If Obama cares at all about trying to keep a flood of war displaced refugees from flooding into our southland, he might want to start pulling some strings and taking some decisive action against these cartels. Things are bad now but brother, when this thing pops, I don't want to be anywhere near the misery that will come with it.
Over the weekend the mayor of the west Mexico town of Tancitaro was found dead in the bed of a flat bed pickup, stoned to death. There apparently wasn't any immediate connection to the drug violence that has been destroying that country for more than a decade. No other theories have been presented.
I, for one, hope like hell it was drug related. Otherwise, Mexicans from other walks of life have decided that the legal process is so flawed that they need to resort to barbaric forms of capital punishment to settle whatever issues they have. That's truly frightening considering the free reign these people have getting into the United States.
Meanwhile, the United States continues to do nothing while our friendly neighbors to the South have decided to combine the worst parts of Afghanistan/Pakistan (violent drug trade) with the worst parts of Iran/Saudi Arabia (stoning) just to see how it plays out. If that combo somehow doesn't produce a utopia, the next step will be to pirate the Russian/Filipino sex trade market and start kidnapping kids into a life of prostitution. Although that may actually already be happening in some parts.
Of all the things in the world that actually need some kind of governmental response, a border country turning into a complete anarchic state should be at the top of the list. Apparently, our government has decided that they would rather harass us themselves before everything goes to hell completely.
At this pace though, Mexico is going to turn into a Somalia-esque calamity of warlords and genocide. If Obama cares at all about trying to keep a flood of war displaced refugees from flooding into our southland, he might want to start pulling some strings and taking some decisive action against these cartels. Things are bad now but brother, when this thing pops, I don't want to be anywhere near the misery that will come with it.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tale of the Tape
Breaking it down!
Pinball Wizard (PW) vs. The Jukebox Hero (JH)
41 / 29
London, UK / New York, NY
#19 USA, #4UK / #26 US
Competition - PW had to go into the arena nightly to take on the likes of the Street Fighting Man and the less violent but more skilled Piano Man. JH had a relatively easier path to greatness as much of the competition was either falling prey to the rampant drug culture (Mr. Brownstone) or was a cheap asian knockoff (Mr. Roboto). EDGE: Pinball Wizard.
Groupies - Being deaf, dumb and blind, PW was at the mercy of his handlers who may not have worked as diligently in procuring premium groupies or worse, may have kept the cream of the crop themselves. On the other hand, sans senses the PW had no embarrassing morning afters or beer goggle regrets. The JH may have been able to enjoy the groupies on a different level than the PW but at what cost? Awkward mornings, the payoffs, must have been horrible. Close category. . . . . TIEBREAKER: While the JH may have to deal more directly with the consequences of groupie culture, the ability to see and hear leaves him nearly impossible to trick into the random post-op tranny that makes their way into the groupie line. PW is defenseless. EDGE: Jukebox Hero.
Posse - Not strong for either to be honest. The JH is languishing with Brits on the means streets of NYC with an aging Mick Jones and an ex-King Crimson crooner Ian McDonald. Yikes. You'd think PW would be rolling heavy with Roger Daltry, Pete Townsend and Keith Moon in pocket until we realized Daltry was a waify 5'5", Pete Townsend was a pedophile and Keith Moon was dead. EDGE: Gotta call this a PUSH.
Lasting Legacy - I'm not sure any two people have done more to hurt the karaoke industry since Billy Squier packed off for the lab. Today's generation regards both these warriors the same way they view white basketball players from the 50's. The only question left is who is George Mikan and who is Dolph Schayes? I was going to call this a push until I was recently explaining to my daughter at the mall about the "dumb" kid and why he was moving his hands that way. 5 seconds later I was being arrested for a hate crime as a group of vocally challenged mall walkers silently projected their hate at me. EDGE: Jukebox Hero.
GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT - PW-While smoking Peyote during Woodstock, Pinball Wizard claims that Joan Baez gave him a secret pagan/satanic verse to recite that would allow him to take on a spectral form to posses anyone he wished. PW then proceeded to posses Pete Townsend and club Abbie Hofmann with a guitar. Sadly, the sacrifice given for this gift was Sly Stone's sanity and career. JH-Foresight. Even in the age of iPods, streaming audio and satellite radio, jukebox's are a lasting legacy, known to everyone, thereby making the Jukebox Hero culturally relevant and rich, due to a crafty trademarking in the early 80's. Pat Riley has nothing on JH. While authentic juke's are a pricey and highly sought after commodity, you think any kid is just yearning to put down the XBOX controller and go play some pinball? Hell, you can do that on the Wii. JH was also rumoured to have had a steamy tryst with Cyndi Lauper and Pat Benatar (was Lita Ford busy or something?) but I think at this point that can only be counted as a negative. EDGE: Pinball Wizard.
WINNER - The results end up in a tie, 2-2 with on push. Too bad ties are for communists and soccer moms. Therefore, the slight edge has to be given, along with the belt, to the Pinball Wizard. While I find his chosen career puzzling it can't be forgot that he headed into the arena with only his sense of smell and stared down legends like Mojo Risin. Figuratively stared down, of course. As good as the Jukebox Hero was, he's destined to be the Larry Holmes of his generation, stuck in a talent dead spot. By the time Jeremy, Spoonman and Mr. Moustache came on the scene to provide a proper challenge, The Jukebox Hero had become the George Foreman of his generation, only without the comeback.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Yeah? What Now?
The stock market had itself quite a rally today after a so called group of economists claimed that the recession finally ended.
Who knew it was so simple to get Wall Street back on track? Simply declare that everything is hunky dory and presto, they get back to the business of creating and blowing cash. Awesome. No need to actually look at indicators to see if it's true. Not here.
Unfortunately, unless they meant the recession is over because were heading to another depression, they couldn't be more wrong. Wages still down, houses still underwater, debt still skyrocketing, unemployment still sky high. Otherwise life is fine.
So what could this group possibly mean by calling the recession over? What they mean is that they really need it to be over soon. There are elections coming up and this economic downturn is becoming less and less Bush's fault and more and more Obama's fault. Right now it's about evenly split at about 2 years each, although Obama was in the Senate for all of it while Bush retired. It's already going to be a bad enough November for libs even with much of the public still blaming Bush. They are going to get crushed this November and if they get to 2012 with no noticeable improvement, you're going to have 6 years of Obama handling the downturn (2 Senate, 4 Pres.) and it's going to be hard to blame the two years of Bush's spending, especially since Obama signed off on all of it and helped create the useless bailout legislation while he was the President elect.
In other words, Democrats know they have almost no way of explaining the poor economy in 2010 and they will nothing to say to explain it away in 2012. The next best option is to convene the experts, the same ones who are always stunned at every economic report, and just have them declare the recession over. Game, set, match, what's on TV. Too bad people still won't be able to get jobs or credit. Combine that with the massive tax increases coming up and something tells me screaming "All is WELL!!" like some new age Chip Diller isn't going to fool the electorate come voting time.
Who knew it was so simple to get Wall Street back on track? Simply declare that everything is hunky dory and presto, they get back to the business of creating and blowing cash. Awesome. No need to actually look at indicators to see if it's true. Not here.
Unfortunately, unless they meant the recession is over because were heading to another depression, they couldn't be more wrong. Wages still down, houses still underwater, debt still skyrocketing, unemployment still sky high. Otherwise life is fine.
So what could this group possibly mean by calling the recession over? What they mean is that they really need it to be over soon. There are elections coming up and this economic downturn is becoming less and less Bush's fault and more and more Obama's fault. Right now it's about evenly split at about 2 years each, although Obama was in the Senate for all of it while Bush retired. It's already going to be a bad enough November for libs even with much of the public still blaming Bush. They are going to get crushed this November and if they get to 2012 with no noticeable improvement, you're going to have 6 years of Obama handling the downturn (2 Senate, 4 Pres.) and it's going to be hard to blame the two years of Bush's spending, especially since Obama signed off on all of it and helped create the useless bailout legislation while he was the President elect.
In other words, Democrats know they have almost no way of explaining the poor economy in 2010 and they will nothing to say to explain it away in 2012. The next best option is to convene the experts, the same ones who are always stunned at every economic report, and just have them declare the recession over. Game, set, match, what's on TV. Too bad people still won't be able to get jobs or credit. Combine that with the massive tax increases coming up and something tells me screaming "All is WELL!!" like some new age Chip Diller isn't going to fool the electorate come voting time.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Roll the Chamber Nick, I'm Out
There was a time when I assumed that the NRA was an organization that stood up for the Second Amendment rights of all Americans, members or not, and that in addition to the Second Amendment they were committed to individual liberties across the board as a matter of principle.
Now I know better.
The NRA has sealed the deal here in Colorado by following up their endorsement of Pelosi clone John Salazar in CO-3 by endorsing Pelosi clone/intellectual lightweight Betsy Markey in CO-4. By endorsing these two big-government socialist democrats, the NRA has made plain for all to see that they don't really care about individual rights at all, they only care about getting favorable gun legislation by paying off members of Congress. You could even argue that they don't really care about the Second Amendment either as some of the deals they have tried to cut in the past would make exemptions to tyrannical laws only for their paying members, leaving all gun owning non-NRA members under the thumb of oppressive government. In this regard, by trading actual principles for political favor, the NRA is no longer any different than Big Labor, Big Education, the ACLU, the NAACP, ACORN or any number of other liberal groups who try and buy political exemptions from the tyranny they help put into power.
There was once a time that I considered joining the NRA even (though I hunt my game at Safeway) but now such a thing sounds offensive to my ears and I would encourage everyone who does give the NRA money, to stop doing so unless they reverse this self destructive course of political hackery that started with them floating the idea of endorsing Harry Reid. Apparently they think once the Harry Reid's of the world are done telling you what kind of medicine you'll get, what you can eat and how warm your house can be that they'll just leave gun owners alone. It must be nice to live in a world of make believe. For the rest of us in the real world, it's very sad to see that once the new NRA leadership took the rifle from Heston's cold dead hand, they took it to the most famous whorehouse in the country and traded it away for the oldest trick ever turned; the fleeting promise of elite status and protection.
Now I know better.
The NRA has sealed the deal here in Colorado by following up their endorsement of Pelosi clone John Salazar in CO-3 by endorsing Pelosi clone/intellectual lightweight Betsy Markey in CO-4. By endorsing these two big-government socialist democrats, the NRA has made plain for all to see that they don't really care about individual rights at all, they only care about getting favorable gun legislation by paying off members of Congress. You could even argue that they don't really care about the Second Amendment either as some of the deals they have tried to cut in the past would make exemptions to tyrannical laws only for their paying members, leaving all gun owning non-NRA members under the thumb of oppressive government. In this regard, by trading actual principles for political favor, the NRA is no longer any different than Big Labor, Big Education, the ACLU, the NAACP, ACORN or any number of other liberal groups who try and buy political exemptions from the tyranny they help put into power.
There was once a time that I considered joining the NRA even (though I hunt my game at Safeway) but now such a thing sounds offensive to my ears and I would encourage everyone who does give the NRA money, to stop doing so unless they reverse this self destructive course of political hackery that started with them floating the idea of endorsing Harry Reid. Apparently they think once the Harry Reid's of the world are done telling you what kind of medicine you'll get, what you can eat and how warm your house can be that they'll just leave gun owners alone. It must be nice to live in a world of make believe. For the rest of us in the real world, it's very sad to see that once the new NRA leadership took the rifle from Heston's cold dead hand, they took it to the most famous whorehouse in the country and traded it away for the oldest trick ever turned; the fleeting promise of elite status and protection.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Seventh Seal Opens, A Look Back
The world is full of crucial moments that signal the transition between two distinct eras. After much contemplation, I've decided that the most important one in recent memory happened in 1978 when The B-52's released Rock Lobster which reached #56 on Billboard's Hot 100. Here are the lyrics, to refresh your memory. You go read, I'll wait.
. . . . .
Okey doke.
That song is complete nonsense with a synthesized crappy sound bed. A crucifix in a jar of piss has more artistic value than Rock Lobster. Who bakes potatoes at the beach? How did your ear lobe get into the deep? What does it mean to be fruggin, exactly? Why are you morons not able to properly identify a rock lobster, which in fact does not look much like a rock? Perhaps you simply went to a beach and with a child like sense of wonder started trying to find things that might possibly rhyme? That's what I think.
Unfortunately, this type of song wold become all to familiar of music "created" in the cultural dead zone known as the 80's, while it simultaneously signals the end of the 60's/70's. The two times couldn't be more different. Music in the 60's and 70's might not have always been good but for every crappy Carpenters song there was a little CCR, Doors, Van Morrison etc. to even it out. Even disco was clearly superior to manufactured 80's pop. The Bee Gee's get a lot of crap but lyrically the were fairly competent and the music had actual instruments and not just a Casio keyboard with low batteries.
Before Rock Lobster there was free love and bong loads, after Rock Lobster there was cocaine and AIDS. Not a great trade off unless being terrified during every sexual encounter was your particular fetish, then game on to you sir.
Ironically, this massive, decade long drop off in substantial artistic/cultural depth happened at the same time as the reverse was happening politically, as we traded the Nixon/Ford/Carter debacles for the return to prominence under Reagan.
Maybe that explains it. Politically speaking, the United States was a nightmare from Kennedy getting killed until Reagan was elected. Maybe all the tough times during the 60's/70's simply became too much for that generation (notoriously selfish and weak minded) to take and when they couldn't sing, sex or dance their problems away, they just gave up, brought Reagan in to clean up the nation's problems and went into a cultural void. Or died, in some cases.
And like all voids it had to be filled by something. In this case it was filled by Madness, Eddie Money, a seriously crappy Moody Blues, a seriously modern-rocked Chicago, John Hughes movies, the inexplicable rise of Paul Reiser and finally, the B-52's.
An absolute 180 cultural turn that can first be traced back to a crappy song from a crappy band. Who knew in that dark day in 1978 when that aural date rape first came on the air that it signaled an end of an era? Who knew it was the tip of a crappy spear? Probably nobody. It was just the new-fangled song that came on between Le Freak and You Don't Bring Me Flowers. Only time can provide the proper historical context for world changing moments. Much like the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, Michael Jackson's Moonwalker the forward pass, we now know that the release of a little known song about a Cousteauian beach party gone wrong was in fact a massive transitional moment in history that would change the world forever.
Here comes a sting-ray
There goes a manta-ray
In walked a jellyfish
There goes a dogfish
Chased by a catfish
In flew a sea robin
Watch out for that piranha
There goes a narwhale
Here comes a bikini whale
. . . . .
Okey doke.
That song is complete nonsense with a synthesized crappy sound bed. A crucifix in a jar of piss has more artistic value than Rock Lobster. Who bakes potatoes at the beach? How did your ear lobe get into the deep? What does it mean to be fruggin, exactly? Why are you morons not able to properly identify a rock lobster, which in fact does not look much like a rock? Perhaps you simply went to a beach and with a child like sense of wonder started trying to find things that might possibly rhyme? That's what I think.
Unfortunately, this type of song wold become all to familiar of music "created" in the cultural dead zone known as the 80's, while it simultaneously signals the end of the 60's/70's. The two times couldn't be more different. Music in the 60's and 70's might not have always been good but for every crappy Carpenters song there was a little CCR, Doors, Van Morrison etc. to even it out. Even disco was clearly superior to manufactured 80's pop. The Bee Gee's get a lot of crap but lyrically the were fairly competent and the music had actual instruments and not just a Casio keyboard with low batteries.
Before Rock Lobster there was free love and bong loads, after Rock Lobster there was cocaine and AIDS. Not a great trade off unless being terrified during every sexual encounter was your particular fetish, then game on to you sir.
Ironically, this massive, decade long drop off in substantial artistic/cultural depth happened at the same time as the reverse was happening politically, as we traded the Nixon/Ford/Carter debacles for the return to prominence under Reagan.
Maybe that explains it. Politically speaking, the United States was a nightmare from Kennedy getting killed until Reagan was elected. Maybe all the tough times during the 60's/70's simply became too much for that generation (notoriously selfish and weak minded) to take and when they couldn't sing, sex or dance their problems away, they just gave up, brought Reagan in to clean up the nation's problems and went into a cultural void. Or died, in some cases.
And like all voids it had to be filled by something. In this case it was filled by Madness, Eddie Money, a seriously crappy Moody Blues, a seriously modern-rocked Chicago, John Hughes movies, the inexplicable rise of Paul Reiser and finally, the B-52's.
An absolute 180 cultural turn that can first be traced back to a crappy song from a crappy band. Who knew in that dark day in 1978 when that aural date rape first came on the air that it signaled an end of an era? Who knew it was the tip of a crappy spear? Probably nobody. It was just the new-fangled song that came on between Le Freak and You Don't Bring Me Flowers. Only time can provide the proper historical context for world changing moments. Much like the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, Michael Jackson's Moonwalker the forward pass, we now know that the release of a little known song about a Cousteauian beach party gone wrong was in fact a massive transitional moment in history that would change the world forever.
Here comes a sting-ray
There goes a manta-ray
In walked a jellyfish
There goes a dogfish
Chased by a catfish
In flew a sea robin
Watch out for that piranha
There goes a narwhale
Here comes a bikini whale
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Ring the Bell!
Man, establishment Republicans are getting seriously housed this year and I couldn't be happier.
The primary season has mercifully reached its last day and New England, of all places, seems caught up in the Conservative tide. In Delaware, long time RINO Mike Castle's attack filled campaign against super unknown Christine O'Donnell flamed out big time and he lost 53-46. A 7 point loss in a race Castle was once leading by about 40. Amazing. In New York, what conservatives there are stood up and booted out the well intentioned/probably outmatched Rick Lazio in favor of tea party candidate Carl Paladino. Finally, in NH, long time front runner Kelly Ayotte is tied with unknown Tea Partier Ovid Lamontagne at 38% with about half the vote counted. God only knows why it's taking so long to count the NH votes, the closed the polls at 7 for crying out loud. (Ovid LaMontagne wins the Best Name in a Primary Award hands down. sounds so New Englany that Sean Penn and Clint Eastwood are writing a shitty movie about it as we speak. c'mon, you know Mystic River is way overrated.)
The best part of this is the predictable reaction from the liberal media. Politico has headlined tonight a "Republican Nightmare". I guess because the party is actually electing conservatives to run. This is all just a projection of fear. Media members know full well that even in New England, these conservatives have an even money shot to win the general election. If that wasn't wasn't the case then why would the media care who the Republicans nominated? They should be happy that these blue states are running conservatives so they could be crushed, dampening the entire Tea Party movement.
But no, the media seems intent on trying to scare Republicans into nominating Mike Castle, Sue Lowden, Jane Norton types. They are trying to hedge their bets against the liberal apocalypse in November by getting as many Lindsey Grahams and Lincoln Chaffee's into office under the radar. I don't blame them, these kind of RINO's are so spineless they could be cowed into voting like the liberals they are even in the face of overwhelming opposition. Those two kooks from Maine have been doing it in the Senate for years. Aside from the bad voting records, these "moderate Republicans" ruin the brand for real Republicans.
Shrewd move mainstream media, you almost had us. Just like you almost had us in Nevada, Wyoming, Colorado, Florida, . . . . . . . .
See you in November!
The primary season has mercifully reached its last day and New England, of all places, seems caught up in the Conservative tide. In Delaware, long time RINO Mike Castle's attack filled campaign against super unknown Christine O'Donnell flamed out big time and he lost 53-46. A 7 point loss in a race Castle was once leading by about 40. Amazing. In New York, what conservatives there are stood up and booted out the well intentioned/probably outmatched Rick Lazio in favor of tea party candidate Carl Paladino. Finally, in NH, long time front runner Kelly Ayotte is tied with unknown Tea Partier Ovid Lamontagne at 38% with about half the vote counted. God only knows why it's taking so long to count the NH votes, the closed the polls at 7 for crying out loud. (Ovid LaMontagne wins the Best Name in a Primary Award hands down. sounds so New Englany that Sean Penn and Clint Eastwood are writing a shitty movie about it as we speak. c'mon, you know Mystic River is way overrated.)
The best part of this is the predictable reaction from the liberal media. Politico has headlined tonight a "Republican Nightmare". I guess because the party is actually electing conservatives to run. This is all just a projection of fear. Media members know full well that even in New England, these conservatives have an even money shot to win the general election. If that wasn't wasn't the case then why would the media care who the Republicans nominated? They should be happy that these blue states are running conservatives so they could be crushed, dampening the entire Tea Party movement.
But no, the media seems intent on trying to scare Republicans into nominating Mike Castle, Sue Lowden, Jane Norton types. They are trying to hedge their bets against the liberal apocalypse in November by getting as many Lindsey Grahams and Lincoln Chaffee's into office under the radar. I don't blame them, these kind of RINO's are so spineless they could be cowed into voting like the liberals they are even in the face of overwhelming opposition. Those two kooks from Maine have been doing it in the Senate for years. Aside from the bad voting records, these "moderate Republicans" ruin the brand for real Republicans.
Shrewd move mainstream media, you almost had us. Just like you almost had us in Nevada, Wyoming, Colorado, Florida, . . . . . . . .
See you in November!
Monday, September 13, 2010
NFL Week 1 Review
Wow, what a low scoring, semi-crappy opening weekend.
AFC EAST: Tough to tell if the Pats D is that good or if Carson Palmer is just toast but at this point the Bills, Fins and jets should be very afraid. NE scored 38 and the rest of the division managed 34. Monday night's game showed why the Jets were a very lucky 9-7 last year.
AFC SOUTH: Hey, the Texans won a game against the Colts, meaningful even for week one. Division could be the best in football if Texans, Colts and Titans (continuing last years strong finish) don't get hit with injuries. Jacksonville still sucks but high marks for not letting Tebow show them up in his hometown.
AFC NORTH: Ravens went to Revis Island and came away with a win, so Rex Ryan should be on full blast this week. Pitt and Cinci have no juice on offense and Cleveland is being Delhommed already. Mangini leads the pack for coaches who could be fired first.
AFC WEST: Jason Campbell is a serious upgrade over The Fat Dranker but Mario Henderson seems to want him to die, there's no other explanation for that showing. Nice to see D-Mac show up. Broncos look pass happy on O, crappy on D. The Chiefs look really feisty against the Chargers, up 14-7 as we speak. I guess losing your best linebacker, left tackle and wide receiver hurt a team.
NFC EAST:All these teams looked varying degrees of crappy except the Giants who played Carolina so the jury's still out. No way Andy Reid trades Donovan McNabb to play Kolb, then benches him after one bad quarter and a concussion. Why do we think Dallas is a Super Bowl contender again? Alex Barron wins the Mario Henderson Award of Crap for this week.
NFC SOUTH: Saints looked pretty good in the rematch. That running game must make the weak division cringe. Atlanta and Tampa Bay were pathetic on offense while Carolina was just pathetic. When you have to choose between Matt Moore or Jimmy Clausen are you rebuilding or do you just suck?
NFC NORTH: Chicago and Detroit solidified their season long battle for 3 & 4. I know the Bears won but they looked like crap while the Lions seemed to be hungry. Green Bay has got a lot going on but you've gotta worry about Aaron Rodgers. He was under fire all night from a pretty mediocre Eagles D. Favre looked pretty good with the Vikes but those receivers just suck. I know Favre hasn't had much time to work on his timing with them but it doesn't matter if they're not open. Berrian looked older than Favre.
NFC WEST: Sweet Jesus what an awful division. Suprise of the week was the Seahawks hanging a flaming tire around the 49ers but every single team looked just awful. I guess the week highlights would be the Seahawks and Sam Bradford because they offer a glimmer of hope for the future. Alex Smith is just stealing money at this point. Wonder what the Niners would look like with McNabb under center.
GAMBLING: I'm currently 8-6 in my Pigskin Pick'em Group (ESPN's Sports Guy's group) and my Chiefs +5.5 pick looks good as they are currently up 21-7.
AFC EAST: Tough to tell if the Pats D is that good or if Carson Palmer is just toast but at this point the Bills, Fins and jets should be very afraid. NE scored 38 and the rest of the division managed 34. Monday night's game showed why the Jets were a very lucky 9-7 last year.
AFC SOUTH: Hey, the Texans won a game against the Colts, meaningful even for week one. Division could be the best in football if Texans, Colts and Titans (continuing last years strong finish) don't get hit with injuries. Jacksonville still sucks but high marks for not letting Tebow show them up in his hometown.
AFC NORTH: Ravens went to Revis Island and came away with a win, so Rex Ryan should be on full blast this week. Pitt and Cinci have no juice on offense and Cleveland is being Delhommed already. Mangini leads the pack for coaches who could be fired first.
AFC WEST: Jason Campbell is a serious upgrade over The Fat Dranker but Mario Henderson seems to want him to die, there's no other explanation for that showing. Nice to see D-Mac show up. Broncos look pass happy on O, crappy on D. The Chiefs look really feisty against the Chargers, up 14-7 as we speak. I guess losing your best linebacker, left tackle and wide receiver hurt a team.
NFC EAST:All these teams looked varying degrees of crappy except the Giants who played Carolina so the jury's still out. No way Andy Reid trades Donovan McNabb to play Kolb, then benches him after one bad quarter and a concussion. Why do we think Dallas is a Super Bowl contender again? Alex Barron wins the Mario Henderson Award of Crap for this week.
NFC SOUTH: Saints looked pretty good in the rematch. That running game must make the weak division cringe. Atlanta and Tampa Bay were pathetic on offense while Carolina was just pathetic. When you have to choose between Matt Moore or Jimmy Clausen are you rebuilding or do you just suck?
NFC NORTH: Chicago and Detroit solidified their season long battle for 3 & 4. I know the Bears won but they looked like crap while the Lions seemed to be hungry. Green Bay has got a lot going on but you've gotta worry about Aaron Rodgers. He was under fire all night from a pretty mediocre Eagles D. Favre looked pretty good with the Vikes but those receivers just suck. I know Favre hasn't had much time to work on his timing with them but it doesn't matter if they're not open. Berrian looked older than Favre.
NFC WEST: Sweet Jesus what an awful division. Suprise of the week was the Seahawks hanging a flaming tire around the 49ers but every single team looked just awful. I guess the week highlights would be the Seahawks and Sam Bradford because they offer a glimmer of hope for the future. Alex Smith is just stealing money at this point. Wonder what the Niners would look like with McNabb under center.
GAMBLING: I'm currently 8-6 in my Pigskin Pick'em Group (ESPN's Sports Guy's group) and my Chiefs +5.5 pick looks good as they are currently up 21-7.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Dueling Stupidity
I swear it's hard to properly quantify how much I hate white people sometimes. It's like the dumbest of the dumb decide that they are going to step into the politically correct arena, pick ideological sides and have themselves a good old fashioned tard off. This weeks matchup pits the City Council of Honkeyville (Hartford, CT) vs. Who Gives A Shit, FL.
Apparently the Hartford City Council (HCC) decided to start opening every session in September with a Muslim prayer to show solidarity with Muslims everywhere in the face of "islamophobia" regarding the Ground Zero Mosque. First of all, nice job HCC to find a position that 70% of the people approve and go against it. Good election strategy. Second, who exactly do you think gives a crap about your meaningless gesture? Do you think Bin Laden got out his list of Important American Cities To Bomb, scrolled to number 1,106 and crossed you guys off? You know your standing side by side with a guy who supports Hamas right? I'm sure you guys will get a gold star in the White Guilt Olympics next time you and the rest of the leftists in the northeast have your semi-annual blame-in. In the meantime, sensible people everywhere else will just shake their heads at your stupidity and realize that we can't expect any better from a city that throws its full passion behind women's college basketball. Disgraceful. (see what you did Bettman? Fear the Whale!)
To bad the knee jerk liberalism in Connecticut couldn't go unbalanced. Now we've got some pastor in Florida (of course) trying to organize Koran burnings every 9/11. Awesome. Where to begin. This display will only serve to make whatever moderate Muslims there are out there keep quiet when faced with the arguments of their jihadist brothers. This won't have much impact on the jihadist movement since they think we burn them all day anyway. What Pastor I Hate Hadji doesn't realize is that this demonstration is just going to make Muslims richer by sending sales of the Koran through the roof! Now, I don't know who prints those things but if buying gasoline supports terrorism then causing a Koran shopping spree might as well. After all, there has to be at least one printing press owned by terrorist friendly organization (besides the New York Times), what if they get the contract to do additional runs of the book? One more IED in Kandahar, that's what. Lastly, do you really need to keep perpetuating this stereotype of Southerners? Wouldn't you rather be seen as laid back gentlemen and belles, sipping sweet tea on the porch? Why are you trying to make Neil Young's Southern Man relevant for the next generation?
It can be hard to distinguish between the two types of stupid we got going on here. The Liberal White Guilt, Knee Jerker and the Intolerant Southern hate monger. The book burners inadvertently lost this competition however, with their own hatred. A while back, these supposed islamophobes also tried to start a campaign to burn all non King James bibles because they weren't properly Christian. Hmm. Burning Korans and Bibles side by side. Know what that makes you friends? Diverse! Equal Opportunity! I'm afraid this egalitarian view of book burning shows a sophistication not shown by the disgustingly weak actions by the HCC, who have made themselves look worse by "possibly reconsidering" their decision to have Islamic prayers before meetings.
Apparently the Hartford City Council (HCC) decided to start opening every session in September with a Muslim prayer to show solidarity with Muslims everywhere in the face of "islamophobia" regarding the Ground Zero Mosque. First of all, nice job HCC to find a position that 70% of the people approve and go against it. Good election strategy. Second, who exactly do you think gives a crap about your meaningless gesture? Do you think Bin Laden got out his list of Important American Cities To Bomb, scrolled to number 1,106 and crossed you guys off? You know your standing side by side with a guy who supports Hamas right? I'm sure you guys will get a gold star in the White Guilt Olympics next time you and the rest of the leftists in the northeast have your semi-annual blame-in. In the meantime, sensible people everywhere else will just shake their heads at your stupidity and realize that we can't expect any better from a city that throws its full passion behind women's college basketball. Disgraceful. (see what you did Bettman? Fear the Whale!)
To bad the knee jerk liberalism in Connecticut couldn't go unbalanced. Now we've got some pastor in Florida (of course) trying to organize Koran burnings every 9/11. Awesome. Where to begin. This display will only serve to make whatever moderate Muslims there are out there keep quiet when faced with the arguments of their jihadist brothers. This won't have much impact on the jihadist movement since they think we burn them all day anyway. What Pastor I Hate Hadji doesn't realize is that this demonstration is just going to make Muslims richer by sending sales of the Koran through the roof! Now, I don't know who prints those things but if buying gasoline supports terrorism then causing a Koran shopping spree might as well. After all, there has to be at least one printing press owned by terrorist friendly organization (besides the New York Times), what if they get the contract to do additional runs of the book? One more IED in Kandahar, that's what. Lastly, do you really need to keep perpetuating this stereotype of Southerners? Wouldn't you rather be seen as laid back gentlemen and belles, sipping sweet tea on the porch? Why are you trying to make Neil Young's Southern Man relevant for the next generation?
It can be hard to distinguish between the two types of stupid we got going on here. The Liberal White Guilt, Knee Jerker and the Intolerant Southern hate monger. The book burners inadvertently lost this competition however, with their own hatred. A while back, these supposed islamophobes also tried to start a campaign to burn all non King James bibles because they weren't properly Christian. Hmm. Burning Korans and Bibles side by side. Know what that makes you friends? Diverse! Equal Opportunity! I'm afraid this egalitarian view of book burning shows a sophistication not shown by the disgustingly weak actions by the HCC, who have made themselves look worse by "possibly reconsidering" their decision to have Islamic prayers before meetings.
Coen Brothers 14 DVD Set Review, 8-14+1
8. The Hudsucker Proxy - C+ - This movie revolves entirely around two odd plot conventions, the God from the Machine and the Magic Negro. Conveniently enough, they actually combine both of these conventions into one character (the clock master, blech) saving the audience the time of having to forget two separate people. Now don't get me wrong, the movie is funny. Tim Robbins, pre-Sarandon stick up his ass, is quite funny as the imbecile and Paul Newman does devious board member better than anyone. Many of the bit players are recognizable Coen brothers favorites and do good work. Three scenes just ruin it though. First, about 45 minutes in, the female lead essentially stops the movie and recaps the entire plot up to that point for the crowd. She might as well have been writing the script. Second, the God in the Negro character appears and explains to the audience how he controls the clock and everything the clock controls. The scene serves no purpose other than to green light problem scene 3 where Tim Robbins falls off the roof and is the suspended in mid-air just a few feet from the ground because the Negro God in the Magic Clocktower put a mop handle in the gears. I swear the Magic Negro is always a caddie or a janitor. Maybe the NAACP can look into that. Anyway, Robbins was saved only so that scene 3 could continue with the appearance of an angel who explains the entire plot of the movie up until that point, then reveals a letter that renders the entire film up until that point completely pointless. 10 more minutes of a sappy ending and voila! Done.
9. Barton Fink - B- - I found myself oddly entertained by this movie which is surprising considering it didn't have a discernible point. Struggling screen writer clashes heads with studio execs, producers and satanish mass murders? Interesting? Yes. Entertaining? Yes. Meaningful? Nope. It's possible that the whole movie was a critique of the movie making process (an accurate one no doubt) but even if that's the case it's still unfulfilled. I don't care about the struggles of screen writers, I don't care how the sausage is made I just want the sandwich, understand? That John Goodman is a damn fine actor though.
10. Miller's Crossing - A - This movie is awesome. It always amazes when someone makes a Road to Perdition (solid movie) or Gangs of New York (P.O.S.) and all the movie reviewers talk about it being the pinnacle if Irish gangster movies As an Irish guy I can confidently say "We already have one!!" Not only is it a good Irish mob movie, it manages to include Jewish underworld figures as well, although the anti-Defamation league can't be happy about all the use of the slur sheeny. While there are a number of good performances, the best belongs to Gabriel Byrne. Anybody who has been poisoned off Byrne by the god awful "In Treatment" or "Madigan Men" should be forced to watch this movie Clockwork Orange style.
11. Raising Arizona - D+ - Clearly I missed the boat on this one. People talk about this movie like it's some kind of timeless comedic classic but I ask anyone who watches it for the first time today, where's the laughs? The big problem is that it was made in the culturally defrauded 80's, 1987 to be exact. Hard to believe it was made when Reagan still had some good time left in his second term. I'm sure in an era where Moonstruck, Ironweed and Throw Momma From the Train were all gathering Oscar nods (seriously, Anne Ramsey nominated for Throw Momma), Raising Arizona might have seemed edgy and hysterical. Much like the Cold War though, that time is gone and were all better off for it. The ungodly accents also rear their ugly heads, luckily to be counterbalanced by a better than you think Nic Cage, with his original hair.
12. Blood Simple - A - This is a great movie that somehow survived being made in the 80's. I had never heard of it until Netflix recommended it to me but it's easily one of the darkest and least appreciated pics in the set. One of the great things about it is how quite the movie is One of my frequent complaints is that the characters spend too much time yammering away to properly set the mood. Not so here, the silence sets the mood and the movie paces along quite nicely. I was never bored and never checked my watch. Good signs.
13. No Country for Old Men - A+ - After repeat viewings, this movie deserved to win the Oscar for best picture. It's just really good. Surprisingly, it is actually better than the book it was based on. Cormac McCarthy's book is almost exactly the same but it reads a little dry while the movie is compelling the whole way through. All you people complaining about not seeing Brolin's death or the whereabouts of the money, get over and use your mind a little.
14. Burn After Reading - B - I just don't understand the hate this movie gets (Ragu). Since when did a trainer blackmailing a CIA agent for a new rack while dating a Treasury officer whose building a manic looking sex chair while screwing the CIA agent's wife on the side get to low brow for America? I didn't realize the movie going public was turning up their collective nose for anything less than The Crying Game or The Pianist. You elitests sicken me. You go watch Eat Pray Love and pretend it's meaningful and I'll go laugh my ass off at George Clooney's highly affordable relaxation device.
A Serious Man - D- - This movie is many things; a examination of Jewish culture and religious tradition, a retelling of the Book of Job, a metaphysical journey into life and karma. One thing it most certainly is not though is funny. I've seen it described as a dark comedy but there is no comedy, it's all black. I realize that the marketing campaign isn't the fault of the filmmakers but this things is comically misrepresented. I felt like choking myself to death with a yarmulke when it was over. I understand making a movie as way of furthering an idea or concept put forth in other media but at the end of the film I should think that I would somehow have greater insight into the meaning of Job instead of feeling a bit like Job himself and hoping that the mighty wind would knock down the theater instead of poor Larry Gopnik house.
9. Barton Fink - B- - I found myself oddly entertained by this movie which is surprising considering it didn't have a discernible point. Struggling screen writer clashes heads with studio execs, producers and satanish mass murders? Interesting? Yes. Entertaining? Yes. Meaningful? Nope. It's possible that the whole movie was a critique of the movie making process (an accurate one no doubt) but even if that's the case it's still unfulfilled. I don't care about the struggles of screen writers, I don't care how the sausage is made I just want the sandwich, understand? That John Goodman is a damn fine actor though.
10. Miller's Crossing - A - This movie is awesome. It always amazes when someone makes a Road to Perdition (solid movie) or Gangs of New York (P.O.S.) and all the movie reviewers talk about it being the pinnacle if Irish gangster movies As an Irish guy I can confidently say "We already have one!!" Not only is it a good Irish mob movie, it manages to include Jewish underworld figures as well, although the anti-Defamation league can't be happy about all the use of the slur sheeny. While there are a number of good performances, the best belongs to Gabriel Byrne. Anybody who has been poisoned off Byrne by the god awful "In Treatment" or "Madigan Men" should be forced to watch this movie Clockwork Orange style.
11. Raising Arizona - D+ - Clearly I missed the boat on this one. People talk about this movie like it's some kind of timeless comedic classic but I ask anyone who watches it for the first time today, where's the laughs? The big problem is that it was made in the culturally defrauded 80's, 1987 to be exact. Hard to believe it was made when Reagan still had some good time left in his second term. I'm sure in an era where Moonstruck, Ironweed and Throw Momma From the Train were all gathering Oscar nods (seriously, Anne Ramsey nominated for Throw Momma), Raising Arizona might have seemed edgy and hysterical. Much like the Cold War though, that time is gone and were all better off for it. The ungodly accents also rear their ugly heads, luckily to be counterbalanced by a better than you think Nic Cage, with his original hair.
12. Blood Simple - A - This is a great movie that somehow survived being made in the 80's. I had never heard of it until Netflix recommended it to me but it's easily one of the darkest and least appreciated pics in the set. One of the great things about it is how quite the movie is One of my frequent complaints is that the characters spend too much time yammering away to properly set the mood. Not so here, the silence sets the mood and the movie paces along quite nicely. I was never bored and never checked my watch. Good signs.
13. No Country for Old Men - A+ - After repeat viewings, this movie deserved to win the Oscar for best picture. It's just really good. Surprisingly, it is actually better than the book it was based on. Cormac McCarthy's book is almost exactly the same but it reads a little dry while the movie is compelling the whole way through. All you people complaining about not seeing Brolin's death or the whereabouts of the money, get over and use your mind a little.
14. Burn After Reading - B - I just don't understand the hate this movie gets (Ragu). Since when did a trainer blackmailing a CIA agent for a new rack while dating a Treasury officer whose building a manic looking sex chair while screwing the CIA agent's wife on the side get to low brow for America? I didn't realize the movie going public was turning up their collective nose for anything less than The Crying Game or The Pianist. You elitests sicken me. You go watch Eat Pray Love and pretend it's meaningful and I'll go laugh my ass off at George Clooney's highly affordable relaxation device.
A Serious Man - D- - This movie is many things; a examination of Jewish culture and religious tradition, a retelling of the Book of Job, a metaphysical journey into life and karma. One thing it most certainly is not though is funny. I've seen it described as a dark comedy but there is no comedy, it's all black. I realize that the marketing campaign isn't the fault of the filmmakers but this things is comically misrepresented. I felt like choking myself to death with a yarmulke when it was over. I understand making a movie as way of furthering an idea or concept put forth in other media but at the end of the film I should think that I would somehow have greater insight into the meaning of Job instead of feeling a bit like Job himself and hoping that the mighty wind would knock down the theater instead of poor Larry Gopnik house.
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