Monday, April 16, 2012

Stick It To The Ma'am

There is a real irony in how liberal pundits are critizing Ann Romney and other stay at home Moms because they supposedly don't interact with the economy in the same way that working women do.

The irony is that stay at home Moms are uniquely qualified to observe two elements of the economy that the Obama administration would rather not be observed; inflation and oil prices.

Inflation has been tricky so far. The numbers haven't been terrible and the rise seems slow. But where does inflation show up first? The supermarket. Anyone who has seen the rising prices and/or shrinking packages at the grocery store knows that inflation has already come and with some punch. Anyone, female or not, who doesn't regularly shop for a family sized bunch might not see inflation at work as readily apparent as the stereotypical homemaker does.

The second economic indicator that housewives might have more concern to notice is gas prices. People who work for a straight 8 hours a day usually have 2 trips in a regular day, to and from work. Stay at home Moms often have numerous small trips to make. More stop and go, drop offs and wear and tear. This kind of driving really blows through gas quick. In addition to the singularly upsetting nature of paying more at the pump, rising gas prices always correlate with rising food costs so there is always an amplifier effect as the two rising costs reinforce each other.

The problem, for Obama, is that these minor cost pains are frequent in nature. The administration is trying to project the sense that the recession has ended and that things are starting to turn around yet on a weekly basis homemakers are given undeniable proof that this just isn't so. When you pile bad job numbers, etc. on top of this always present uneasy feeling it creates a very skeptical segment of society.

This is why the bogus war on women has been ginned up by liberals in media and government. There is no way to defend what's happening economically. The various stimulus projects enacted have done nothing but make a bad deficit worse. As a result of this Obama is losing working class whites in droves, Hispanics noticeably so and enthusiasm across the board. All they can do is try and scare women, traditionally Democrat leaning, by telling stories about how Romney/Santorum would outlaw abortion (impossible given the Supreme Court) or somehow make it impossible for women to buy contraceptives (never been proposed by a Republican ever.). I find it hard to believe that any women outside of those that are already true believers in Obama could be taken in by this ruse. Why should they? Over the last number of years birth control has been as easy to come by as ever. Yet food, utilities and energy have been steadily rising. No theoretical fear of Republican bogeyman can replace actual pain in the real world. Money talks and the stay at home Mom hears it first.

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