Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Politically Nuts and Retard Strong

Thank god we have lame duck Congressional sessions. Otherwise we wouldn't get to witness the spectacle taking place now.

It's been amusing to watch the reaction to the supposed "compromise" on the tax rates that has been revealed this week. Republicans are in danger of dislocating some elbows if they keep patting themselves on the back. I'm sure they hope no one notices that all they achieved was keeping income taxes level for the next 2 years while agreeing to only a 35% increase in the death tax and another extension of government sponsored vacation time. Maybe once all the conservatives who won elections this year get to Congress, we can talk about more tax cuts and an across the board slashing of the budget. Dreams do occasionally happen.

Liberals have gone absolutely bat shit loco, proving themselves to be liars and hypocrites in the process. I realize that sticking it to small business owners and relatively successful people is a liberal tradition but is it really worth all this strife? Besides, after screwing people with money, the second most popular liberal pastime is getting people on/keeping people on welfare. With another extension some people will be able to be on government sponsored sabbatical for nearly three years. After that long not working, I'm sure their brains will just be mushy enough to vote democrat. I think more liberals need to focus on the death tax. If they were honest enough to admit/intelligent enough to understand, they would realize that the death tax is the pinnacle of liberal belief. Multiple taxation! The money is taxed when it's first earned, then numerous times as it's invested routinely in the process of wealth creation, then one more big tax just because you happen to die before you could blow it all in Vegas on working girls and buffets. The same dollars are taxed a minimum of 3 times and possibly many more. Liberals rejoice!

Either way, we have been told that the best thing to come from this tax plan was that it would stabilize the economy as people and business owners would know what to expect. After being given this dose of political Xanex, it's believed that business may try and grow finally as they can make some reasonable plans for the future. This growth would conceivably help the fed start to dig out of its massive debt-hole, as low taxes increase government receipts.

How did liberals in Congress decide to celebrate this nerve calming, responsibility restoring move? By trying to pass the DREAM Act baby! Yeah!

What is the DREAM Act, you ask? Simple. If you're an illegal alien (or de facto Americans as leftists now call them) and you volunteer for the military or enroll in college, you get a clear path to citizenship. Leftists somehow claim this isn't amnesty. This is laughable since their are schools out there (and there will be more is this passes) that anybody with a credit card can get into. And really, how expensive is one class? Especially with all the minority scholarships and student aid available, there is going to be a flood of illegals entering diploma factories if this takes effect. If this bill covers junior colleges we might as well just grant amnesty immediately and save the farce of going to school, most JC's are glorified High Schools, the 13th grade.

Just as a side bar, with all this focus on getting illegals into school, there must be some provision to learn English right? Nope. I guess speaking English isn't needed for attending college in the United States. Awesome.

Back to Congress. It's nice of them to show exactly why we are in financial Armageddon. The biggest reason we're broke is entitlement programs. After reaching a deal that will save people money through income tax rates but that doesn't fundamentally alter the entitlement payout to collection ratio, Congress immediately tries to pass a bill to allow millions of new people to take advantage of American entitlement programs. Brilliant. Why not just lower the retirement age to 50 and up the MediCaid threshold to families making less than $ 200,000. Clearly Congressional liberals (and 8 Republicans, including Delaware "moderate" Mike Castle) didn't get the message during the election. Hopefully the Senate was listening more clearly.

Maybe when the new Congress gets sworn in, we can pass a bill doing away with lame duck sessions altogether.

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