Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Say You, Say Me? Uh, Lets Just Say Me

You bet your sweet ass I got a bracket breakdown for ya.

EAST: This division has a Wisconsin upset of Kentucky written all over it. Watch them choke the life out of the ball while Cousins and Wall go insane. Should be fun. Most intriguing game could be Texas and Wake Forest. These teams are bipolar, either one could win by 40. Most likely to advance to the final 4-West Virginia.

SOUTH: Duke really sucks. Look for them to get bounced by Louisville in round 2. Watch Purdue go out early because of injuries. This bracket gets dominated by the Big East (Louisville, Villanova, Notre Dame)

MIDWEST: Should go to a Kansas/Ohio St. matchup in the Elite 8 but Kansas smells fishy to me. Way too much hype about the Big 12 in general. If not one of those two then Georgetown, assuming Greg Monroe shows up. Lock of the Tourney-Tennessee sucks and will be lucky to win one game.

WEST: Syracuse was the first 2 seed to lose to a 15, will they be the first 1 to lose to a 16? I just puked in my mouth a bit. Kansas St. is overrated and could be out to Pitt or Xavier. If BYU makes it to a matchup against the Cuse, look out. Sharpshooting teams kill zones if they get hot.

DO NOT PUT MONEY ON IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCE: Duke, Gonzaga, Tennessee, Georgia Tech, Wake Forest, Texas.

POSSIBLE CINDERELLAS: Louisville (insert Pitino joke here), Vanderbilt, New Mexico, BYU, OSU, Notre Dame.

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